

The three bodies
Etched in stone in a cave

Third school of Understanding HAB-BAA-SSI

"Gods do not exist, just are powerful beings who came from distant worlds beyond Earth, knowledge of these facts and their role in the evolution of man, make us free from fear that they are their servants"

This phrase was the answer given by a philosopher (Plato attributed to many years), to a question put to him by a priest, who told him "to teach if the fate of the men was in the hands of the Gods.

These positions are two ways of approaching life, the Hab-Baa-Ssi, teach in their Schools of Knowledge that although this man's fate in the hands of the Gods, is the man who has within him all the capacity (made by the Gods) to get to the fullness, and see the end of evolution will be an intelligent life that has no pain, no illness nor age, and having a positive and balanced mind.

The Hab-Baa-Ssi, admit that we are the product of genetic manipulation carried out in the past three villages aliens, Some from Orion, The Uros commanded by a chief named "EL" , And others from the Pleiades with the people of The-Atlas, Commanded by a Chief named "AMON" And a third and the oldest from Taurus Aldebaran, A town called Oki with a chief named Haga, and all land changed to a race called Children of Light, A town out of a mother "EA", Mother Earth.

They understand and they teach that modern man, the physicist is just an accumulation of bodies into one another, and they say that in the past way of life that was dominant in the Metro was EA, Mother Earth and its shape is the MIND, (Mental body, the Sons of Light) and thus was around a spherical shape and energy that they emit ( aura ).

He came to earth a comet ice from Taurus AldebaranWith people inside (it was a form of spacecraft, it came MAKE Oki and his people ) And were energy beings that after long time of living on earth, reached an agreement with EA, Mother LandTo form a common race, and was born with a physical be energy and a mind inside the body energy and Mental Body, And had different shapes (some pig-shaped or shaped like monkeys and other animals forms as water).

The Hab-Baa-Ssi teach that the physical body has become an excessive, and that only is the protector of life that is inside.
They show that long after came the Uros people who came from Orion commanded by "EL"And that these genetically manipulated the brains of some animals like pigs that had been present, very numerous and lived in plain site and next to rivers and seas and built in his brain a lateral compartment (now left lobe) and side pituitary gland, Put a seed of their own children called Spirits of Orion.

The Spirits of OrionAre extra-terrestrial parasites that condition people to be violent, aggressive drivers, and by imposing the logic, fear and painThey are beings of energy of high vibration (Beta) than are transmitted through males, And they need to grow and become adults much energy produced by the brain of the person, when in altered state and produces the evil as well yourself or others.

Evil is the product of the negative thoughts of men / women and so any act of EGO, another involves removing what you want, and one feels attacked, and so everything pain and sickness are the product our brain does not function well when receiving power of evil, or to generate it ourselves, because we have within ourselves self-regulatory mechanisms that function would not have pain or get sick, because active defenses would have both external and internal.

On the left side where people live Spirits of Orion develops logicThrough three different ways, the AwareOr outward manifestation, the Subcosciente, real brain that controls conscious and the unconscious or the Files, and the latter where all memories are stored.
Then came the Pleiades a town called The-Atlas, Or whose head was Amon, This people fought against those of Orion, With an ally come from Sirius, Defeat, and when the Sirius they left, they studied the work of genetic manipulation of Orion, Proving its effectiveness.

Amon, Chief of the army of the people The-Atlas came from the Pleiades, ordered that his people do the same, putting in the brains of those who Orion had manipulated (they then form homo) another carrier side (the present right lobe) and the side of the gland Epiphysis or Pineal planted a seed of his sons who are called Souls of the Pleiades, passing through the Women.

Amon justified to those of its allies Sirius, They claimed that they left Earth, the need to counter the genetic manipulations that Orion had done, and said their children well, Souls of the Pleiades, Nullify the negative effects on the brain of those who were in the Spirits of OrionActually justify the colonization of that planet and it now looked helpless.

The Souls of the PleiadesThey are beings of energy from a vibration (Theta) lower than the Spirits of Orion which has vibration Beta and often do not become adults until the male / female physicists have about forty, the process is to make the brain more slowly than the living person, with thoughts Positive Contemplation, Meditation, Prayer, permitting and facilitating the brain generate energy (Theta) their food, and this energy makes the others perceive peace and tranquilityIn principle supports the life of humanity countering the accelerating activity Spirits of Orion.

On the right side of the brain where you live Soul of the Pleiades, Develops Intuition, And through it and through Visualizations, intuitive knowledge and healing energy, the Souls of the Pleiades do their work, completing the logical brain function and trying to counteract the excessive activity of Spirits of Orion with a more slow activity Intuition and Souls develop toward the outside a energy called LoveThat those who receive it are processed, your brain works slower and it improves physical health and energy, and feel good.

The Hab-Baa-Ssi, Knowledge Masters, Teach that man / woman beyond these alien parasites (The Spirits of Orion and the Pleiades Souls) also have a Energy Body, this energy is vibrating in Alfa and lives protected by Physical body.

The energy body is contained within the physical body, mainly in the Lymphatic System, The control center, where the decision power lies in the brain called, in the area called corpus callosum, or rhizome, Which of the four parties that have, one of them controls the aura or radiation that the body produces energy another controls the vital organs (the thymus and pancreas) one of them controls the brain lobes (Logic where dwells the Spirit of Orion and Intuition where dwells the soul of the Pleiades) because only the balance of these, Body energy can take control, and The last one, the part that establishes the relationship with the Being of Light called mind and that is in a gland called SHAR, or Floral.

The Light Body or Mental is the original inhabitant of the Earth and resides in all living things evolved, in all those with a set of specialized cells in ThinkAnd in the case of man / woman, lives in a part of the brain, in a Energy gland call SHAR or Floral, calyx in form with eight petals.

The Being of Light or mental bodyWorks with an energy that contains a known vibration Delta, and shows no signs of being alive is nothing more than highly developed in people who have been through the development of Intuition or female part, And then have crossed the internal balance (between Logic and Intuition), called the SelfAnd finally have worked to awaken the inner light, Also called the Higher Self.

When you have succeeded in arousing the Being of Light or higher self, and live in inner harmony is when one is truly a human living in balance the three bodies, physical, and mental energyAnd controlling the influences of both internal parasites, Spirit and Soul.

In the beginning of time, just living on Earth called Light Beings and across the Earth, there was harmony and order, as the planet itself emanated from the energy required for life, but this was cut short by the arrival of the comet of ice, which introduced a different energy and with which to merge had led to the planet that could not live those who were before and took refuge in cities calls crystal inside the Earth, And so the outside was invaded by so-called Energy bodies or children of people who came from Oki Taurus Aldebaran, was headed Right.


This chapter is drawn from a book written thousands of years ago on a very special woman for Teachers Hab-Baa-Ssi, was very high, and whose name was Han-Amec.



The day was exhausting since Community had to field work harvesting and had left toddlers my care and is known that field begins before sunrise and ends after this has stopped illuminate.

Not me complain simply say what had happened to later ye may understand what happened, I was exhausted therefore known that fifteen children different ages signify over thirty problems per minute and day has many minutes.

Addition when got everyone sleep siesta after eating and when heat is strongest proved so then that prepare supper those had to come field than as know a community all jobs shared. They work for my field, and outcome that work is my nourishment all year I hago lo que puedo by them but that I can had to intensify when all also worked more.

With more people field, work ends before and is obtained a grain time before arriving storms and can destroy if know field know what say. Thus when all arrived seeth every advanced work but had not able finish and women me thanked him as usual your affection and their attentions and that was very rewarding gave me strength to perform equal work to morrow.

Remember that I lived in a community and Gat, my son, made long-distance journeys and was many months away, so that those who were dear to me, and I was part of his family.

Gat had found this community and one day I brought her to live with it the understanding that it would be better than in the town where I lived before, in that although he had hit it off like he was born, would always be a foreigner, but these people she lived now, they had come from afar to live there.

They had some customs and beliefs that were simple to understand and that you do so you can say them just two rules: First, everything belongs to everyone, and no personal property, except those that the community wants to give someone for a sacrifice particular.

Second, all you have to yourself, ie no one is more than anyone else and we all depend on everyone, although in practice it is quite difficult to put into practice, we attempted and achieved, there was a chief, if not a meeting in everyone had the votes, and always made decisions by majority vote, although individual problems and those arising naturally be solved by doing and that they resolved, all accepted what he had done, because they always felt that this made with the best will for himself and thus for others.

Those people were a group of men and women who had joined their lives before arriving, they were fourteen couples, and when to tell you this, there were two marriageable young females and three males in the same state that were already beckoning to mate after that if children whose number I told you.

The old woman of all I was, and therefore and following the customs of that time caring for all, having a great knowledge of how to solve many problems he had during my life, so that the experience had to put the service the other was from a mother to grandmother to another, passing through all the states, and naturally old friend who called me as they liked my advice or my complaints.

The camp life was hard but had many complications since acts recurred continually and real mastery drawbacks nevertheless ever anything happened special that altered that order established and seemed overlooking new vitality, one such things happened was: had returned field adults and habíamos eaten, each was resolving personal problems when heard a noise caballerias and naturally that alarmed us therefore was already night entry.

Men armed themselves and go see who was but nothing seen and although looked everywhere returned said similar nevertheless noise caballerias was repeated, and this time were closer were several horsemen plus alarmed returned dating greater precautions and nothing again message so us communicated.

Then we women and although help men looked nobody saw anything and being in this I happened that those noises could come from afar transported by wind but had not air movements those moments. Being outside houses returned listen noises and this time seemed as if outside some battle therefore weapons clashed and horses wailed and men shouted as ago scare the enemy or To remove one fear off.

Then front our in one field we had in crop, saw were many, two groups gunmen were attacking had horsemen already foot and had strange vestments and used weapons none habíamos see then some came rays and gave adversary being this afar. We hid in houses but quickly went out again therefore knows that gunmen garments fire to flush out their gentes, then according depart kill whereas if we outside might flee in several directions and any could save life.

But nobody made us case was like if solely were them rather would realize our footprint and lowered one small fog and enveloped all could be powder battle but the fact is continued listening but longer seeing them, and one time arrived some wind and noise also left us. The fog had been windswept and with her what habíamos seen, whole battle with men animal and also its noises.

Astonished went until field and there was nothing nobody and returned all commenting event and this fact repeated during three nights and in one afternoon when sun not shining therefore had clouds in horizon prevented him after not seen again more. Nobody explained what happened and outside our Community in town neighbor nobody saw or heard anything and failed explanation until arrived Gat and explained the event.

Within days perhaps slightly less one months now arrived Gat wherever it did, for all was a joy, and a feast for children whom were desiring him go to return and had their feast and is which custom had launched thus on arrival one Community after awhile WITHOUT, is had many talk and children play.

Gat brought much news, having tardado over seven months now and restates what of now, previously we had the same timeline unless we governed by farming seasons as know these vary and by Luna . Gat told us been in two cities, both very distant of here and had had intervene to help put peace among two as war was his only way resolve problems.

Nos said when marched our company their Intuition, le guided towards high place whence could see a large land and there she was talking EA TRUMP LIFE for days and between things who told was that that whole extension one days was a city and this had disappeared reason of war with another city also destroyed was told causes and their consequences and causes indeed were less important but such thing had happened .

After told us EA TRUMP LIFE had sent in directions which with steed wearing had to andar over a month now, then reached a large plain where had great city but as approached came out soldiers ambushed and had to demonstrate which came from afar and nothing was related his contests. Le left step and learned that conflicted with another city sister she until recently had great appreciation, and with which had many blood ties and trade but their kings had problems by mine salt was discovered recently.

Sabido salt is necessary for life man and animals so the city in whose territory was began exploit already orient trade that effect thereby impoverished another, thus one city bloomed and another missed and this had led accordingly the powerful be sought good ejercito therefore had riches for pay protect her and another was threatened.

The outbreak between both had arisen when proved that mines salt were raided and demonstrated who were persons belonging to town had depleted their gentes without many resources had been suffering, watching trailed they had and decided some take what than the others their superfluity. Gat had got when wore over a year struggles although without declaring war were simply struggles small consignments of armies that were monitored and assailed when others were lesser in number.

La city that had enriched commanded bring weapons unknown occasioned death from afar and seemed thereby uneven definitively at CI favor but one item was assaulted and rested with the another city and again become leveled , with aggravating already if declared war.

Geographical position both allowed live ignoring if that wanted but preferred attacked and gradually own everything were warriors came from many places at odor struggle and wealth easy.

Gat was sent by EA TRUMP LIFE as did with former prophets, save humanity from danger certainly and met nobody wanted listen an alien and less if had no great ejercito . Being thus and having tour both cities, Gat, resolved give show power that had gifted tidy things.

All this told us Gat, and followed us saying which visited nearest city which had of path arrival and seeing the traveled and therein took over three days out thence and stood before from their trawl and yonder soldiers lifted hands and intoned a song and point walls that had fortitude collapsed and soil rose and well where before everything was llano had arisen small hill and where before could live persons around a small river now had to far from that. Nothing occurred death although yes many changes inside therefore what was protected had stayed uncovered.

Marched another city and applied same system thus were both prevented from think anything but protect themselves because a still lacked news another. Done this Gat became known, and told had sent EA TRUMP OF LIFE, and told who were three days to think, at that time wanted a peace mission halfway between two cities and himself be there. Saying this again prove their power and so made great storm appeared and there dislodged a enormous quantity water that caused gentes unable think otherwise that shelter and expect and while did had time to think what were told. So did with another city and three days had both peace missions where indicated.

Gat put conditions peace and both the accepted and posts according arranged that although a of cities had riches another be responsible commercialize it and for it made fixed location in same place that were, and there, about would bring salt and others braced for trade and all half by half was parted profit. Although this seemed favoring some, was soon that treatment fair.

Few days went that Gat lived with few and then with other and garnering commissioned EA TRUMP LIFE retiring stood before a city and raising arms intoned a canticle different had produced destruction and occurred another earthquake, Mount again became llano, and ramparts and everything destroyed restored and everything became as before. So did with second city and done this called makers both cities and said Ye signed a pact and I am your witness where what rompéis back ... rather said more and other understood, then left, returning.

When all this what counted Gat those of his Community which knew him him partied by its success but I Han-Amec him again ask therefore habíamos seen and he us explained: When exists great meeting people carrier objects metallic moving and collide at speed fluctuates greatly energy accumulation and this ok relocate elsewhere by some cause possibly below ground where what hayáis seen contains any mineral or current groundwater or similar that produces effect attract energy. Thus elsewhere moved shaped images and sounds but looking that if hubierais entered the field where see that had broken attraction therefore yourselves ye energy and been concentrated attracting yours.

Yo understand him others not and Gat continued explaining rentals see is possible see events occurring therein locations or places around many years ago and looks and hears as if was occurring when. This was what counted and yo I tell for what may know.

I woke everything had been dreamed when I rose and talked people they nothing knew but when arrived Gat few months later and told my dream gave me explanation whatsoever I have exposed and my dream was influenced by energy fact and himself wanted see return.


Dreams, are experiences brain and often these experiences are so real that spent time in our memories not know distinguish if lived or has dreamed therefore can remember, sensations, emotions feelings fears and alegrías and also knowledge received.

Therefore Teachers Hab-Baa-Ssi when detected someone will important future since see energy despide, try contacting that person and invited to les visit either shaped energy either shaped mind but them never force anyone invading their brains or being them visitadores, how do is send energizes your aura and this reads his brain and if accepted in dreams visit .



From the Book:


WHAT IF you change


Pedro de la Serna, Margarita, gave us in 2002, upon completion of the courses in Seville, said on page 5:

"For thousands of years (4), It has been warning of the facts that are now beginning to happen, called climate change, before these words were not taken, but there was talk of major storms, hurricanes and terrible water (1) And nobody has done anything, and suffer and will suffer for long, that even in these days no one does anything.

There are remedies known and unknown and can be discovered, to prevent this climate change and that leads to terrible consequences, because climate change will lead us to hunger and disease, war and also to political changes, and changes always give pain to the people, who always has the least damage, and nobody does anything ...

The situation which could see the future is going to say anything, so I'm going to risk being trampled and vilified if they are not doing anything ... but still, those who do have these capabilities, risk and too many lost in the venture, part of themselves, their families, their work and all for what?, if nobody does anything ...

It is true that when someone tells everything seems catastrophic, but tell me, for being alert, when things are going well?, Eventually becomes just and necessary, to make changes, just when everything goes right, when they have the resources and time, and does so because, where they can react, because when it all starts, just surviving and avoiding the greatest evil possible, is all that matters, now we are on time, and although many Many have warned and continue to give notice will occur if someone does not avoid it, a great war ...

I'm warning of a Great War, and this is not new, a war between Islam and the Cross (2), And we always lose and end the village, before thousands and thousands dead, millions upon millions, and before dying, suffering, much suffering and this will come, when the one now in the power of abundance , and abundance have problems, make way for the shortage, then, that now is the shortage will be on survival, and that is intolerable, that leads to war, especially if those under minimum, several million more than is necessary.

But all that is known for hundreds of years and have been for decades, and in the past few years, but everyone is still doing nothing to help it Climate Change, will be the trigger (3), Which will hunger and misery of many.


Notes Administrator's blog:

(1) .- Talk about terrible waters in 2002, the famous Sumatra Tsunami was in 2004, read this link: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terremoto_del_Ocà © year _? ndico_de_2004

(2) .- This refers to the ancient war between the crusaders and Muslims ( "The Crusades").

Given that this paper was announced in 2002, the 2nd Iraq War (Between Christians and Muslims), this war was in 2003, read this link:

B3n_de_Iraq_en_2003 http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasi C3%%

But we believe that refers to a 3rd Great World War.

(3) .- Read the dossier: [Climate Change, because of new human crisis].

Prepared by the NGO Action Against Hunger:

If you like literature, read this article the writer Vicente Verdú: http://www.elpais.com/articulo/reportajes/Gran/Guerra/siglo/elpepusocdmg/20090517elpdmgrep_7/Tes

(4) On the 3rd prophecy. Millennium Earth hear the show live!:



The patriarch of the Ethiopian Church says it will display the Ark of the Covenant

Hidden history

Posted by Rafapal (http://www.rafapal.com/)

One of the great secrets of history, may be about to be unveiled. The device which supposedly keep the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses and the famous "manna that fed the Jews in their flight from Egypt.

The announcement will be done in Rome, where the patriarch, who has gone to see the Pope.

Ethiopian religious group considers himself a Jew and Zionist. The announcement has drawn the attention of the Public Opinion of Israel because it is considered a foretaste of the coming of the Messiah.


In the 51-page book, entitled:

WHAT IF you change


Pedro de la Serna, Margarita, gave us in the year 2002At the end of one course in Seville (Spain), said on p.12:

"Listening to a wise man and recognize the truth ...When this happens men dominate the Earth as War and Economy, but they will be dominated inside by the Pride and VanityWill have various forms of government, but in reality is the same, some will say that democracy and people power, but ignorant, be manipulated to be in front of all the most ambitious and the other will be similar, with powerful kings and families.

The fact is, few direct control of many and this, some would call freedom.

They, the living, have developed long, terrible weapons that continue trying, lying about her existence to the people that has put [in power?], But acting in secret, they want to have the greatest power to dominate all the planet, although dangerous, are not as smart, just guide them the negative is inside, the Pride and Vanity.

Planet suffer in silence for a long time and their firearms sometimes your food will. But there comes a day when the whole world tremble, because his magnetic axis shift may occur, and although it is near, the men have accelerated.

Storms reach great destructive power, and everything that is not properly seated on high, rocky places, beyond their reach, will be destroyed, there will be no crops, no water to drink, there is no energy, just [to?] those who have been saved. Those who live near the great waters, they diverge and if they live now, to know that, so cautious were saved only fools and leave the skin. "

Continue ...



What we say about Solomon and Makeda Habasis:

Schools in Hab Knowledge and Ssinia (Ethiopia), there are numerous books about characters that they had an important meaning at some point in their past, and one of the people who they thought was important for humanity:

The Masters Hab-Baa-Ssi, expected from antiquity to the Man made a leap in the evolution and become a Human ", this fact also reflected in other cultures, comes from the knowledge of evolution that were born unto him that as a simple plant in the waters and was expected and is still expected to rise to become a very special, which they called a Human.
For them, the Human, has to be a Lord of Justice, and as such everyone will have to be subjected to his power, but each according to his worth, and each according to his ability, each according to the time that he has had live, race, sex, education, genetics, food and all these circumstances which would have to assess who would be the Lord of justice, and have a mind with all this knowledge and with the strength and energy that dominate all courts.
When the boy was born who would become Solomon, The energy given to the Masters Hab-Baa-Ssi, who had every chance to be the Chosen"And followed his life from the distant mountains and the power of his mind, and so saw a young man in danger of death, and repeatedly had to intervene as they did, by influencing the minds of others to that this young man had a future.

Influenced to travel to Egypt, for in their land which was to be killed brothers and heirs, and so safe in Egypt, and as a young student was taught the knowledge of the priests, and the Gnosis, and the power to control energy, and when a young man proved his mental strength and the nature forces realized that he could be king.

He was watching but he is not influenced only protected him, and so learned things that the Masters Hab-Baa-Ssi did not like but had to respect the freedom of the young, and when he returned to his homeland he continued to protect He only among priests, and brothers who only wanted power and gold of his old father, no doubt would not have gotten far.It was King, and visited him in dreams, and guided him and taught him, and where deemed appropriate was sent a woman (1), a daughter of the knowledge of the Masters Hab-Baa-SSi, which had its same level and its culture, and the woman was assigned to show him from a distance what they could not be taught I could listen directly to your inner teacher, and thus exceeded all the soothsayers and priests, who they could have, and which was subject, asking advice and wisdom.

The outcome of the meeting was not expected, because although everything was delivered in the form that he had informed the messenger, and although the woman returned to her homeland with a child (2) of that king, the knowledge that she left, were quickly nullified by influences and energies of those around him, and well being of Gnosis, a Chosen, King became a stream, with multiple gods according to their age and many women and their many vices.

Those teachers were bitterly disappointed, had ensured that young man for nearly twenty five years, and when they saw that nothing could be done that had been contaminated with evil, let time pass, and try again in a second-hand , this time he sent the young man was his blood and the woman who was his equal (as Queen was considered among his own) and this young (2) had been prepared by the Masters to get his father back to the road Justice, and so the young man stood before his father, and spoke and was released, and everyone feared they thought it was coming for power, gold, and the secrets of the King.After a while (the young man with the power of his mind talking to the Masters Hab-Baa-Ssi) the finding that decided they were getting nothing back not wanting to lose him too and so they said, someone with his seed shall be as Solomon would not, because he ate off gold plates while people were starving, and had soldiers while the fields were not planted, and tortured and had slaves, and worshiped idols and were subjected to the yoke of women, and the advice of his priests, and so were terminated and canceled that opportunity, that a man could become Human.


Ethiopian cultural tradition rests largely on the legend of custody in a small church of Aksum Ark of the Covenant, Brought from Jerusalem by Menelik I, son of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. For Orthodox Christians is the dogma of faith and everyone assumes that, except for that one monk touched by the grace of God, no one can access the place where are the Tablets of the Law God gave thought Moisés.Se until now, except the monks custodians, no one had seen the sacred object Steven Spielberg placed in a location other than the ancient capital of northern Ethiopia. But the Abouna Paulos, The patriarch of the Orthodox church, said in Rome that yes it has been the Ark of the Covenant and is in good condition. Perhaps to some faithful to this statement, even coming from the highest rank, le reste magic of the great mystery. But who knows, it is also possible that the patriarch's words serve to draw attention to a unique cultural heritage, pride of the country, and whose conservation is planned to build a museum in the imperial city of Axum. Excerpted from the website:



Our first contribution to the knowledge of the Town of Masters of the Mind, radio wave Guillena (Sevilla) on Monday June 8, 2009.
(You can listen and get off, THIS PROGRAM!, Click on the link below:


With the audacity that gives Ignorance, on so many profound knowledge of the Masters Habaassis, who inhabited the north is now called Ethiopia, have spoken in our program "Living Earth" Guillena Radio Wave 89.0 FM, in some respects of his teachings and will introduce a topic that seems to us very interesting, for moments of "great confusion" that we are now:

So many religions, so many teachers both apostles and disciples, many messages and messengers, contact, illuminated gurus, shamans, healers, Kabbalists, spiritualists, astrologers, ufologists, palmists, New Age, televangelists, conspirators, magicians and illusionists of the word, writers opportunistic, and so on. and so on. ..., which contribute some more than others
"Vanity Fair"
and the
"Confusing the prophecies of the recent past."Only we could do during the program, a brief introduction to the teachings of the Habaassis, a story and history and understand its four schools, but in future programs, we will continue talking about it and try to interview people associated with this item.
SEAL OF KNOWLEDGE *Even when we had the opportunity to meet some of those lessons taught in Seville for free, by Pedro de la Serna, Margarita Tuya, and even when we finished the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year is always a dare talk about these teachings and we will, with the peace that gives the distance in time (over 6 years ago!), because it not asked all those who attended them, Peter and Margaret never charged us for their courses and practices On the contrary, the writings and gave free copies to all attendees (sometimes more than 60 people!) never accepted, that no one called Maestro.

Keeping them readily accept the phrase they always placed in the bottom of his writings:

"KNOWLEDGE IS THE HERITAGE OF MANKIND, nobody has the right to kidnap and impart ALWAYS FREE"


"In Schools And SSINIA HAB Understanding (Ethiopia) there are some caves contain numerous stone carvings, and these prints are imbued with an energy that makes your contact person to receive in your mind images and sounds of what want to teach.One of those recorded for the drawing that you have before, and that used to take the Masters Hab-Baa-Ssi, village guardian of the caves, which were cut into small stones, always in black with white engraving and was like a bookmobile , in contact spoke of the item as needed, and remembered all the necessary details as if they were watching and listening

Begin Today our contribution to the understanding of Pueblo HABASIS

Never too late to share knowledge received "hands" on the HABASIS people of Ethiopia, some years ago in Seville by Pedro de la Serna Tuya Satue and Margarita.
Our sincere thanks them and MIRIAM Habasis Master-AN-AMEC, to come into our lives and help break the limitations of the mind and open to new knowledge.
From here, with the complicity of this magnificent medium is the Internet, we will gradually go up information, telling stories and ancient, engraved on the stones found in caves in this territory of the former "Great HAB-A-SI - NIA ", besides our own thoughts and experiences.Of course we have to say that this is a personal blog and official website on HABASIS is:

It is at this link where you can access the most complete information and we recommend it wholeheartedly.
We also recommend reading the novel: