The three bodies
Etched in stone in a cave
Etched in stone in a cave
Third school of Understanding HAB-BAA-SSI
"Gods do not exist, just are powerful beings who came from distant worlds beyond Earth, knowledge of these facts and their role in the evolution of man, make us free from fear that they are their servants"
This phrase was the answer given by a philosopher (Plato attributed to many years), to a question put to him by a priest, who told him "to teach if the fate of the men was in the hands of the Gods.
These positions are two ways of approaching life, the Hab-Baa-Ssi, teach in their Schools of Knowledge that although this man's fate in the hands of the Gods, is the man who has within him all the capacity (made by the Gods) to get to the fullness, and see the end of evolution will be an intelligent life that has no pain, no illness nor age, and having a positive and balanced mind.
The Hab-Baa-Ssi, admit that we are the product of genetic manipulation carried out in the past three villages aliens, Some from Orion, The Uros commanded by a chief named "EL" , And others from the Pleiades with the people of The-Atlas, Commanded by a Chief named "AMON" And a third and the oldest from Taurus Aldebaran, A town called Oki with a chief named Haga, and all land changed to a race called Children of Light, A town out of a mother "EA", Mother Earth.
They understand and they teach that modern man, the physicist is just an accumulation of bodies into one another, and they say that in the past way of life that was dominant in the Metro was EA, Mother Earth and its shape is the MIND, (Mental body, the Sons of Light) and thus was around a spherical shape and energy that they emit ( aura ).
He came to earth a comet ice from Taurus AldebaranWith people inside (it was a form of spacecraft, it came MAKE Oki and his people ) And were energy beings that after long time of living on earth, reached an agreement with EA, Mother LandTo form a common race, and was born with a physical be energy and a mind inside the body energy and Mental Body, And had different shapes (some pig-shaped or shaped like monkeys and other animals forms as water).
The Hab-Baa-Ssi teach that the physical body has become an excessive, and that only is the protector of life that is inside.
They show that long after came the Uros people who came from Orion commanded by "EL"And that these genetically manipulated the brains of some animals like pigs that had been present, very numerous and lived in plain site and next to rivers and seas and built in his brain a lateral compartment (now left lobe) and side pituitary gland, Put a seed of their own children called Spirits of Orion.
The Spirits of OrionAre extra-terrestrial parasites that condition people to be violent, aggressive drivers, and by imposing the logic, fear and painThey are beings of energy of high vibration (Beta) than are transmitted through males, And they need to grow and become adults much energy produced by the brain of the person, when in altered state and produces the evil as well yourself or others.
Evil is the product of the negative thoughts of men / women and so any act of EGO, another involves removing what you want, and one feels attacked, and so everything pain and sickness are the product our brain does not function well when receiving power of evil, or to generate it ourselves, because we have within ourselves self-regulatory mechanisms that function would not have pain or get sick, because active defenses would have both external and internal.
On the left side where people live Spirits of Orion develops logicThrough three different ways, the AwareOr outward manifestation, the Subcosciente, real brain that controls conscious and the unconscious or the Files, and the latter where all memories are stored.
Then came the Pleiades a town called The-Atlas, Or whose head was Amon, This people fought against those of Orion, With an ally come from Sirius, Defeat, and when the Sirius they left, they studied the work of genetic manipulation of Orion, Proving its effectiveness.
Amon, Chief of the army of the people The-Atlas came from the Pleiades, ordered that his people do the same, putting in the brains of those who Orion had manipulated (they then form homo) another carrier side (the present right lobe) and the side of the gland Epiphysis or Pineal planted a seed of his sons who are called Souls of the Pleiades, passing through the Women.
Amon justified to those of its allies Sirius, They claimed that they left Earth, the need to counter the genetic manipulations that Orion had done, and said their children well, Souls of the Pleiades, Nullify the negative effects on the brain of those who were in the Spirits of OrionActually justify the colonization of that planet and it now looked helpless.
The Souls of the PleiadesThey are beings of energy from a vibration (Theta) lower than the Spirits of Orion which has vibration Beta and often do not become adults until the male / female physicists have about forty, the process is to make the brain more slowly than the living person, with thoughts Positive Contemplation, Meditation, Prayer, permitting and facilitating the brain generate energy (Theta) their food, and this energy makes the others perceive peace and tranquilityIn principle supports the life of humanity countering the accelerating activity Spirits of Orion.
On the right side of the brain where you live Soul of the Pleiades, Develops Intuition, And through it and through Visualizations, intuitive knowledge and healing energy, the Souls of the Pleiades do their work, completing the logical brain function and trying to counteract the excessive activity of Spirits of Orion with a more slow activity Intuition and Souls develop toward the outside a energy called LoveThat those who receive it are processed, your brain works slower and it improves physical health and energy, and feel good.
The Hab-Baa-Ssi, Knowledge Masters, Teach that man / woman beyond these alien parasites (The Spirits of Orion and the Pleiades Souls) also have a Energy Body, this energy is vibrating in Alfa and lives protected by Physical body.
The energy body is contained within the physical body, mainly in the Lymphatic System, The control center, where the decision power lies in the brain called, in the area called corpus callosum, or rhizome, Which of the four parties that have, one of them controls the aura or radiation that the body produces energy another controls the vital organs (the thymus and pancreas) one of them controls the brain lobes (Logic where dwells the Spirit of Orion and Intuition where dwells the soul of the Pleiades) because only the balance of these, Body energy can take control, and The last one, the part that establishes the relationship with the Being of Light called mind and that is in a gland called SHAR, or Floral.
The Light Body or Mental is the original inhabitant of the Earth and resides in all living things evolved, in all those with a set of specialized cells in ThinkAnd in the case of man / woman, lives in a part of the brain, in a Energy gland call SHAR or Floral, calyx in form with eight petals.
The Being of Light or mental bodyWorks with an energy that contains a known vibration Delta, and shows no signs of being alive is nothing more than highly developed in people who have been through the development of Intuition or female part, And then have crossed the internal balance (between Logic and Intuition), called the SelfAnd finally have worked to awaken the inner light, Also called the Higher Self.
When you have succeeded in arousing the Being of Light or higher self, and live in inner harmony is when one is truly a human living in balance the three bodies, physical, and mental energyAnd controlling the influences of both internal parasites, Spirit and Soul.
In the beginning of time, just living on Earth called Light Beings and across the Earth, there was harmony and order, as the planet itself emanated from the energy required for life, but this was cut short by the arrival of the comet of ice, which introduced a different energy and with which to merge had led to the planet that could not live those who were before and took refuge in cities calls crystal inside the Earth, And so the outside was invaded by so-called Energy bodies or children of people who came from Oki Taurus Aldebaran, was headed Right.
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